"A Maximalist Hypothesis: ChatGPT and other large language models, respectively, contain and understand all true humane knowledge, which is averaged out of their training data, as conceptual abstractions, concistent causal systems, and models of the world. This wealth of knowledge, however, materializes only when prompting. I'm not interested in the simplest problems a language model fails, but the most complex ones it succeeds or fails."
(Sivusto on rakenteilla, pahoittelut pienistä puutteista siellä täällä)
Janne P. Hukkinen
Independent AGI-Robot Researcher
contextualist, constructivist, capacitist, functionalist, virtualist
Motto: What helps AGI-Robot developement?
Twitter @Hukkinen. Fediverse/ActivityPub @[email protected]. Youtube. Linkedin